Other regional associations

If you know of a national, regional or international dental education association that is not listed here, please contact IFDEA.

African Dental Education Association (AfDEA)

American Dental Education Association (ADEA)

Association for Dental Education, Asia Pacific

Association for Dental Education in Europe (ADEE)

Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry / L’Association des facultés dentaires du Canada (ACFD/AFDC)

Australian Association of Schools of Dentistry (AASD)

Chinese Committee of Dental Deans (CCDD)

Israeli Committee of Dental Schools (ICDS)

Japanese Dental Education Association (JDEA)

Korean Dental Education Association (KDEA)

Latin-American Organization of Dental Schools / Organizacion de Facultades, Escuelas y Departamentos de Odontologia (OFEDO/UDUAL)

South African Committee of Dental Deans (SACDD)

South East Asia Association for Dental Education (SEAADE)


Disclaimer: Please note that IFDEA is providing these links as a service to its members and is not responsible for the linked sites or the content on these sites.

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